
Lost... the end

"This is the way the world ends...
This is the way the world ends...
This is the way the world ends...
Not with a bang
But with a whimper."

(T S Eliot)

Lost didn't end with a bang. It was certainly not a crescendo, a climax. It kind of fizzled out, leaving the audience vaguely confused.

By the time we reached "Across the Sea" I was thinking wow, and very excited about the ending. Then the ending came and it just wasn't anything remarkable. 

They built it up so nicely as well; the memories of the various characters proved to be an effective, nostalgic montage. You fondly recalled 6 years of episodes and incidents. Even Charlie's past made you smile.

The final battle with the smoke monster was lame. The revelation that everyone was living in a post-death illusory reality in order to work through their issues... a bit flat.